Monthly Archives: June 2024

Breaking Inertia

I once worked with a boss who wasn’t afraid to take chances. Whenever we were exploring new programs, I would attempt to anticipate every obstacle that we needed to overcome before implementation; overplanning as it were. She was braver. She saw the value in taking action. She showed me that progress isn’t perfect. Rather, it involves set backs.

Her lessons on the importance of moving ahead remain with me. Although, as I write this, I still struggle with the inertia of planning. I can’t possibly predict variables for every scenario. So I require reminders to risk, even to enjoy action, to learn to fix as I go.

I learned that sometimes, inertia can be a bitch.

Breaking Inertia

The square root of gray areas remain inconclusive.
Answers continue to elude me while sitting on the fence.
Planning for perfect risks leads to unreasonable doubts.
I may suffer bruises from blunt messages, but they can
break inertia.

So I'll jump or I'll get pushed. 
Sometimes flat on my face is the only way forward.

I can practice, plan and anticipate. I can rehearse for
tomorrow through sunset. However, my biology and my spirit evolve.
A partly-lit torch is all I can offer my future. 
I need to be counted today.

My deathbed can't be the proving ground.
There is no verifying six feet below. 
My inner light will not reflect over my gravestone.

Baby steps - before I'm paralyzed into place, circling.
Break inertia.

B. Toner June 2024