Monthly Archives: August 2021

Don’t Stop, But Smell the Roses

I’m as guilty as the next, zooming past everyday miracles to meet my self-imposed priorities. Ironically, I live in a beautiful area, not far from the ocean (on good days, I can hear it), surrounded by wild flora and fauna. On most days, this privilege is lost on me.

There are some occasions, however, in the midst of my humdrum, daily routine, when Mother Nature insists she will not be ignored. These are short-lived epiphanies during which my senses seem heightened or maybe just more receptive to the wonders surrounding me. I may notice a sudden tangibility in the air or specific animals sounds. Perhaps my eyes catch unprecedented colours in the bramble. During these times, I appreciate more deeply how I’m just a speck in the intricacies of the world.

What if I could train myself to more than just notice the aspects of my environment, on a regular basis, but rather to value them between these overwhelming, all-stop, sensational awakenings? What if I let them filter through during my mindless chores and commutes? What if I acknowledge the woodpecker as I get into my car? Watch the sunlight slowly paint the lawn when I rise out of bed? I could decipher shapes in the fluffy, white clouds against the incredible blue sky or thankfully inhale the cool breeze as I hang my laundry.

This habit could infiltrate all of my moods during everyday tasks. It could lighten and even highlight the ordinary. I think it’s worth a try.

Another Summer Night in Prospect

I first noticed the orange tint on our back deck, 
through the patio doors: a familiar hour - 
the sun’s unique signature, 
the gentle completion of her duties.
-An unavoidable invitation for which 
simply being an eye witness wouldn’t do. 
I needed to satisfy all my senses 
so I aimed my thoughts and body outside;
 a short walk to the mailbox down the road - 
a minimal response to a subtle summons.
-A half step outside my driveway, an incessant roar,
 greeting me from the ocean: 
an invisible and unrelenting pillow surrounding me.
 It’s source hidden deeply beyond the lush greenery, 
cushioning both sides of the road. 
Wild roses dotted my path - 
their scent gently mingled under my breath.
Layered over the ever-echoing surf, 
birds were bidding the neighbour hood good night;
 not in a chorus, but in a beautiful chaos of languages.
I felt the orange-patterned sky slowly tinting to pink, 
drawing my attention from the gravel beneath my feet. 
I was humbled by this moment of majesty -
 a humbleness not unlike being close to loved ones; 
loved ones you honour and admire, 
loved ones you soak in while you can.
A humbleness rich in comfort.

B. Toner August 2021

I can only guess

Confession is good for the soul. I confess that I’m giving myself permission to get it wrong. Already, I feel lighter. It takes energy to maintain a facade of knowing what to do – energy better directed to learning how to do. I’m relieved to admit, I can only guess.

What I lose in youth, I gain in ease at making that admission. I’m recognizing my abilities and my limitations. These I can live with and can continue to move forward. The people of this world say we’re in this together. I welcome their support with little guilt. No one, including me, has the knowledge or skill to face every challenge on this journey.

Still, I do strive to be wiser, braver, more capable. Still, I envy the talents of others and still, at times, I compare.

On the other hand, I take comfort in the wise scientists, the brave soldiers and the competent leaders. They help to take the pressure off me. However, they do lead me to ponder what part I play in the greater good. I know I’m in there, but I can only guess where.

I can only guess what the brave are facing,
Watch them carve a path from stone,
The risk, the weight, ignoring fate,
As they aim for the unknown,

I can only guess what the wise are thinking,
Testing theories without names,
Sorting greens from blues, and tales from truths,
Solving puzzles into frames

So carry me, carry me on, carry me all the way
Borrowed goals, unpaid tolls, standing outside the play,
Carry me, carry me on, carry me all the way
Two cold feet, shotgun seat, higher the price I’ll pay

I can only guess what the loved are feeling,
Warming hands with endless smiles,
The tint, the glow, with room to grow,
Holding forever all the while

I can only guess why the world is turning,
Tracking time and keeping pace,
The trees, the sun, all wrapped in one,
Spinning patterns into space

So carry me, carry me on, carry me all the way,
Borrowed goals, unpaid tolls, standing outside the play,
Carry me, carry me on, carry me all the way,
Two cold feet, shotgun seat, higher the price I’ll pay

I can only guess why the world is turning…

Music and lyrics by B. Toner, August 2021