Weather the Storm

I can appreciate how hard times are just a part of life. When I take stock these days, however; it seems that the Earth, civilizations and even individuals are getting pummeled more frequently than in the past. There are extreme weather events and climate change; extreme divisiveness among cultures and a lack of human decency in many of the world’s governments. Adding to those challenges are the personal battles some people are facing, some more than others. Trials build character, but how much character is a person suppose to stack up?

On the other hand, Marc Scibilia in his song “How Bad We Need Each Other” says that “Storms never come to stay…” This is good news for sure. So how do I endure or prepare for the dark times when they’re upon me? From the books I’ve been reading, I’m learning that my preparations are the tools to help me endure them. As the dark clouds approach and loiter over my hunched shoulders, these tools can provide a life line.

They tell me to look for the positive inside the trial; not by wearing blinders, but my focusing my view on different aspects. For instance, I should try seeing how my co-workers’ talents contribute to the job before noticing their shortcomings.

I should take time to count and name my blessings, however small, because they can inspire my vision.

I should hug my son more often. In fact, I should give out more hugs.

I can remember that I choose the interpretation of my reality and that aiming for the positive can help me take actions; actions that overcome adversity.

I can spend time doing things that bring me joy, like writing.

I can share the positive ripples with others to help them swell into a tidal wave of energy.

So here are my small efforts to build my resistance against the storms. Maybe they’ll lessen the impact. Maybe I’ll learn to build character with a smile.

Waiting for the Storm

Toasting by candlelight, champagne glass and can of beer,
both cold with wet,
Powers gone out, the fan's shut down.
Can't breathe without breaking a sweat.
Just sitting in the kitchen, waiting for the storm to begin.

She wears a winning smile. I lose at Scrabble.
Can't prove it, but she cheats.
Spoon's in the chowder. Butter's in the freezer.
Save them from the heat.
Just sitting in the kitchen, waiting for the storm to begin.

We've closed the shutters, cleared the garden
and tied down the grill.
With you is where I want to be,
the calm before the thrill.
Just sitting in the kitchen, waiting for the storm to begin.

Brian Toner January 2020

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